

Central Missouri AGRIService LLC (CMAS) was formed and began operations on September 1, 1999. CMAS is a joint venture of Fletcher Grain Company, MFA Incorporated, and Cooperative Association #1 of Slater MO.


Fletcher Grain Company began operations in Marshall in the nineteen teens, selling seed and feed to farmers and purchasing produce from farmers in the Marshall and surrounding areas. In the last half of the century the company experienced concentrated growth in the areas of grain handling, fertilizer and crop protection products, seeds, and livestock feed.

MFA Incorporated is a state wide cooperative; organized in 1914 in a schoolhouse near Brunswick MO. MFA operates agricultural related businesses throughout the state of Missouri and in surrounding states.

Cooperative Association Number 1 was founded in 1919. It was the first local cooperative founded under the 1919 state law providing for farmer owned cooperatives. In the 1950 the company constructed a river elevator at Miami Missouri to access barge transportation. That facility was expanded in the 1960’s and again in the 1970’s. The Slater facility was also substantially expanded in the 1970s and 1980s.


Employment: CMAS currently employs 96 people with an annual payroll of $3,500,000.00.

Sales Volumes
Manufactured Animal Feed30,000 ton
Fertilizer27,000 ton
Grain15,000,000 Bu
Seed50,000 units
Crop Protection$6,000,000